Desktop Ticker Tape
Scrolling messages with Corporate Voice Desktop ticker tape module
The Desktop Ticker Tape is an effective communications module designed to create awareness though the repeated displaying of scrolling text messages at the bottom of the screen. The way in which a ticker tape is presented is similar to how scrolling text headlines appear on news bulletins when displaying share prices, breaking news or weather predictions, except the Corporate Voice desktop ticker displays messages for your office workers rather than stock prices and news.
In a corporate environment, the typical uses of digital ticker tape on desktop include making company news announcements such as wishing members of staff a happy birthday, announcing significant work anniversaries or the inauguration of a new board member with the use of desktop new ticker tapes. The Corporate Voice customizable desktop ticker module also allows you to pull out custom ticker reports regularly.
Cultural uses of on-screen ticker tape messages include enforcing company values by publishing stories through scrolling ticker tapes reminding staff what each value means, what it stands for and examples of how one should conduct oneself to conform with each value using a well placed and branded ticker banner on your company computers.
The look and feel of custom ticker for desktops can be customised to adhere to the Corporate Identity of the company. The logo that displays on the bottom left corner can be changed, as well as the specific background colour, the font, font size, font colour and capitalisation. The correct configurations of these settings will ensure that the look of a ticker tape conforms to the requirements of the brand police, and grabs attention as an important ticker tape sign!
Desktop Ticker Tapes are able to launch in 2 different modes, either with the screensaver, or independently. If the ticker tape launches independently as a ticker tape crawl, it docks itself above the task bar, and always appears as the top-most window. No matter what application is open, the ticker will appear on top of all the windows, but above the taskbar so that applications can be accessed. If the ticker tape happens to be in the way of an active window, the ability to MINIMISE or CLOSE the ticker tape is always available. When the Desktop Ticker Tape launches independently in this manner, it is interactive and can be configured to hyperlink to any document type (such as WORD, POWERPOINT, EXCEL or PDF), intranet articles, video clips, policies, surveys, newsletters or websites.
Ensure the message is heard with our fully customizable desktop ticker tape tool
Instead, if the Desktop Ticker Tape launches with the screensaver, the content displaying through the screensaver zooms slightly to accommodate the ticker tape in the bottom-most section of the screen, and these ticker tapes are not interactive. Interactive Desktop Ticker Tape can be configured to push to different people depending on the department they belong to, the regional office they are located at, or any other logical segmentation that may be needed. All interactions with Desktop Ticker Tapes are also fully tracked and measured, which means that the delivery and activation of every attachment linked to every ticker tape is measurable and reportable for purposes of compliance and accountability.

Desktop Ticker Tape FAQs
What are the benefits of setting up ticker tapes on your company desktops?
A Ticker Tape is a scrolling text that launches at the bottom of your screen with your Screensaver. This ticker is quick and easy to set up on Corporate Voice and there are several benefits to setting it up.
- Push Ticker Tape messages that scroll at the bottom of the screen (as seen on news broadcasts)
- Publish a ticker to desktop PC screens and / or LCDs
- Schedule and publish messages in advance Specify the users, groups or LCD screens that should receive specific ticker messages
- Compile a list of approved RSS Feeds that users can select from to display on their PC’s
How to set up ticker tape messages on your company computers?
Ticker Tapes are considered an impact channel and often require an action by the users. These can have multiple media types attached to it, like: image, audio, video, document, website, email, survey, policy. Ticker tape messages or scrolling messages are quick and easy to set up and there are no design elements to consider before pushing these kind of messages through Corporate Voice.