Compliance Management Software
Increase company policy acknowledgements with our Compliance Management system software
As the availability of personal information becomes more protected, and as the frequency and intensity of carefully planned and executed cyber-attacks become more sophisticated and financially crippling, so the implementation of corporate policies and frameworks designed to safeguard the interests of companies and its stakeholders has taken centre stage. Risk and compliance were, historically, departments that performed functions which very few knew or heard about, but now we have compliance teams, compliance processes and compliance management tools too for corporate compliance activities.
More recently, since the enforcement of several acts and compliance regulations which dictate the manner in which personal information needs to be stored, how it may be used or distributed, and the manner in which it needs to be protected, companies are required to ensure that all staff comply with policies which dictate these terms of use and take corrective actions where they don’t. It is no longer “good enough” to just have a corporate compliance policy document sitting on the intranet which explains how data may be used and how document management is handled. It is no longer acceptable to assume that staff have read and understood these archives or the industry standards related to them, not to mention your company’s own manual processes or compliance workflows, internal policies, regulatory frameworks and legal requirements concerning compliance efforts. It is now a necessity to have a centralized platform that can proactively track potential compliance issues that could cause business disruptions. To build a culture of compliance a proactive approach taking an in-depth look into real-time data on organizational risks and giving actionable insights to senior management is important as a routine internal audit.
It is required that companies implement policy compliance management software ensuring all staff access and read new policies that get published, and that the entire organization is fully aware and knowledgeable of any updates to existing policies. Beyond just being able to report that policies were accessed and read, more sophisticated corporate compliance software solutions providing the wide range functionality to digitally accept the terms of the policies, and date-stamping the acceptance against a user’s profile (as is available within the Corporate Voice software for compliance management platform) is now in high demand to satisfy the requirements of internal and external auditors for better risk management and for passing external audits..
Once a policy has been distributed, it might be necessary to run an assessment and generate detailed reports on the extent to which the contents of the published policy was properly understood by the staff that indicated their acceptance of the terms. Using the Corporate Voice Survey tool, an assessment can be compiled and configured in such a way that it is automatically targeted and delivered to users once they have accepted the terms of the policy. This means, companies can now benefits from better corporate compliance software that records company policy acknowledgements across all departments of your company and provides you with policy reports whenever you need them, important for both internal and external audit management and audit planning.
Ensure help and compliance with the Corporate Voice Compliance management software and tools
Using the compliance management software bundled with the Corporate Voice platform, companies are able to achieve in excess of 90-95% completion of any policy that is distributed (and its related assessment) within a few days of being published. A comprehensive set of reports relating to policies is available in real-time, and covers who a policy was delivered to, when each person accessed a specific policy, when each person read it to completion and also the staff member’s response on acceptance of the terms of the policy and its related assessment responses.

Compliance Management Software FAQs
What are the benefits of using a compliance management software?
Corporate Voice allows you to create Policy Acknowledgement popups yourself and there are several benefits or uses of policy compliance softwares.
- Distribute policies and elicit employee acceptance
- Varying levels of flexibility and leniency depending on the urgency of the required compliance
How to deploy compliance management solutions and set up policy acknowledgement pop ups??
Because popups are a high impact channel, Corporate Voice software has a new link type to popup: policy.
This feature allows you to create Policy Acknowledgement popups yourself and have your staff acknowledge receipt and comprehension thereof. The Popup and the Policy can be tracked and measured and you are able to easily extract a consolidated report to Excel with Corporate Voice.