Did you know that you can use corporate communication software for cybersecurity training announcements, and policy compliance updates to ensure 100 percent deliverability and 100 percent readership for your messages?

Since employees are a company’s first line of defence against cybersecurity attacks, cybersecurity trainings for employees and cybersecurity policy compliances are becoming common practice at most workplaces. And that’s why corporate communication software like Corporate Voice are becoming so popular since they allow for quick training and policy change announcements, among other things.

Why Use Internal Communication Software for Cybersecurity Training & Policy Compliance?

Here are 10 reasons to use corporate communication software for cybersecurity trainings and policy compliance.

1. You can make company-wide or select-department announcements via centrally-deployed branded corporate wallpapers and desktop backgrounds. These customizable and automatic PC wallpapers can be set to hit select or all company workstations, and these can be used to subliminally deliver important messages like upcoming employee cybersecurity trainings or cybersecurity-related policy compliance requirements that would require employee engagement and action.

2. Similarly, branded desktop screensavers that subliminally deliver repeated messages to company computers are a great way to remind employees about any upcoming cybersecurity webinars or cybersecurity policy trainings. With staff communication software like Corporate Voice automatically timed screensavers can deliver subliminal company messaging to employees while ensuring 100% deliverability, and 100% readership, with all the backend stats to prove it.

3. Employee communication software like Corporate Voice offer myriad and versatile communication tools for effective message delivery. So if an imminent cybersecurity training or seminar that requires employee attendance is being held, such a message can also be delivered with the help of automatic pop up alerts. Pop up messages cannot be ignored and hence ensure 100% readership of your important company announcements.

4. Corporate employees often have email fatigue, what with the several dozens of emails going back and forth each day. So, ensuing important internal emails hit the right inboxes, and are not just read but read on time is a tough game. So a communications software that offers multiple modes of communication and engagement is the most reliable way to communicate with staff.

5. With a software like Corporate Voice, you even get the option to run scrolling headline ticker tapes on select or all your company desktop computers. These customizable ticker tapes can be your mode of continuous message delivery, to drive the message home for all of the employee that it is intended for.

6. To check on the effectiveness of a particular training or cybersecurity seminar, employee engagement tools like Corporate Voice can be used to deliver employee surveys to assess what the employees thought of the trainings and whether they were found to be useful. This goes a long way towards making the employees feel engaged and for them to get their opinions across to the management.

7.Employee comms tools like Corporate Voice can also be used to run surveys to test knowledge absorption as well as fun staff quizzes to understand audience engagement in trainings. Employee quizzes also keep staff engagement and morale high.

8. Another way to drive cybersecurity awareness is by setting up relevant RSS feeds to urls found on the internet, for example, one can be found for the current cyber security news and updates. RSS feeds are easy to set up om communications platforms such as Corporate Voice and they can run automatically on employee desktops with headlines, summaries and update notices that can be set up to link back to the source websites.

9. You can use platforms like Corporate Voice to turn all your internal company screens into digital information displays that run alerts to your programs, you policy update alerts and other staff announcements such as upcoming IT skills development training to reach not just the desk-bound employees, but also employees that do not work on computers all day, such as factory supervisors, etc.

10. Last but most certainly not the least, when it comes to communication with employees and internal stakeholders stats are important. What was the deliverability of your internal messages, what were the readership stats and what was the engagement on your internal communique, all these matter. Tools like Corporate Voice offer these stats for easy reference, whenever you send out any form of internal communication.

Overall, having such a communication software that works to improve your internal communications is certainly a plus if this is something you are looking to improve.

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